Custom designed and hand-painted toys and dolls guaranteed to give you nightmares

Jack Attack, the killer jack-in-the-box from the movie Demonic Toys

Oopsie Daisy the evil, foul-mouthed baby doll from the movie Demonic Toys

Teddy from Demonic Toys

Bombshell from the Puppet Master movie series

My first self-designed and homemade Terror Toy. - Wicked Charlotte loves spiders and rats - scorpions, worms and vampire bats - She doesn't act proper for a girl of her age - the rare times her folks let her out of her cage.

Blockhead, a frightfully a curious kid - found a box and opened the lid - He stuck in his head to see what was inside - and couldn't get out, despite how he tried - Something in there must've eaten his brain - 'cause, since then, Blockhead just isn't the same...

Midas' Daughter was a joy to hold - her father's embrace turned her to gold. - Now she's a treasure beyond any jewel; - 24 karats of rotten and cruel!

Beautiful Empress; lovely and vain - loved her reflection to cover the pain. - Her beauty was marred by a shard from above - now she's one with the mirrors she tragically loved.

Jolly Mr. Chatterly, - telling jokes from atop my knee. - I can't control him so the question would be - which one's the dummy, him or me?

Although she's not technically a toy, I didn't know where else to put my portrait of the Contessa Zombina DeCaye. The painting is oils and I constructed her with inset eyes so that her gaze follows you.

The Immortal Zombie Girl, made from 100% recycled awesome
Custom toys
Demonic Toys and Puppet Master are TM Full Moon
All other characters © Anthony Dial
All art © Anthony Dial except where otherwise noted